Soul Purpose Leaders serves visionary leaders, helping them to:

Soul Purpose Leaders serves visionary leaders and helps them to breakthrough their limitations, so that they can achieve the transformation they need at the personal, organisational and societal levels.

Breakthrough exhaustion, self-doubt and overwhelm.

Realise their vision in the world, and overcome what’s stopping them from achieving it.

Create an experience of greater vitality, peace of mind and full trust so that they are fully engaged in their lives and successfully fulfilling on their vision.

We work across a number of sphere’s, specifically one’s that will have a transformative impact on the individual as well as societal levels.

Some of the transformational and visionary work that we’re focused on, include:


To impact a billion lives, particularly in the realm of cancer treatment, by utilising Neuro-Resonance Optimisation™️ to activate higher faculties for problem solving in this area.


To help political leaders shift their internal landscape with the ultimate aim to create a more effective and ethical leadership paradigm, relevant to the 21st century.


To help individuals create financial prosperity for themselves no matter what their socio-economic background is, by working with their energetic money blueprints.


To help transmute and channel the upset, anger, anxiety, and resignation around the current state of climate change to create sustainable solutions for the planet.


To take the theoretical vision of law’s purpose as being for the interests of society and the happiness of people, and creating legal systems that match that reality.



Sam Kukathas is a visionary guide for visionary leaders who want to unlock their limitless potential and transform humanity.

He founded Soul Purpose Leaders to help leaders to realise their own infinite potential, fulfil their boldest visions, expand their impact at a global level all whilst optimising their vitality and flow, their abundance, their peace of mind, as well as their health and wellbeing.

Sam’s desire to make an impact was shaped early on when he witnessed social injustices and limitations to people’s freedoms of choice when it came to shaping their own lives, and this lead him to pursue the academic study of philosophy.

However a challenge to his identity left him unfulfilled academically, and he embarked on his own journey of personal development and transformation which lead to the eventual development of Neuro-Resonance Optimisation™️, a revolutionary system which helps leaders to breakthrough the emotional, mental and energetic glass ceilings that holds them back from achieving the results they desire.